LIFE Homeschool Cooperative features cycles of learning; curriculum is mapped out so that it’s conducive to multi-age classrooms. We offer lower elementary (5K-4th grade), upper elementary (5th-6th grade), middle school (7th/8th grade) and high school (9th-12thgrades) classes. Children benefit from working and playing side by side with older and younger learners, a dynamic that provides opportunities for peer tutoring and sharing when appropriate. If families are able, participating in our program long term will provide a comprehensive academic sequence based on Charlotte Mason philosophy and many state standards of learning. To that end, children can join our program at the beginning of any school year and reap the rewards of LIFE.
Curricula: High School World History, Modern American History, Government & Economics Excellence In Literature by Janice Campbell Apologia Biology 1, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Apologia Physics
Middle School (7th-8th grade) Cycle 1: World History, IEW, Classic Literature, Apologia General Science Cycle 2: SC/American History, IEW, Classic Literature, Apologia Physical Science
Elementary: 5k-6th grade FIAR, Beyond FIAR, Classic Literature Cycle 1-4 Apologia Science: Botany, Astronomy, Anatomy & Physiology, and Chemistry & Physics Cycle 1-4 Story of The World: Vol.1 Ancient Times, Vol.2 The Middle Ages, Vol.3 Early Modern Times, Vol.4 The Modern Age Hymn Study, Picture Study, Poetry, Composer Music Study Electives: IEW, Art, Music, Coding, Discovery Science (varies by year)
RISE Up Class: Memoria Press: Simply Classical First Start Reading Third Edition Beginning Arithmetic 1 FIVE In A Row Literature w/class activities Music
Frequently asked questions:
1. Where is the math?
We do not offer math classes because most children are in different grades and ability levels in this area. We trust that parents know which curricula and methodologies suit their children best at this stage. We offer a list of potential tutors/resources for parents who need assistance in this area. If high school students have enough interest in a particular course, we will be happy to help support an outside tutoring situation for them.
2. Why are older kids’ electives not specified?
We strive to suit our community’s needs, and we understand that a set curriculum in some areas doesn’t allow for student interests and gifts. Therefore, each year our elective choices and math levels will be chosen based on what aids our families the greatest in their studies. Electives may feature art and music appreciation, psychology, sociology, drama, world religions, Bible study, etc.
3. Why is writing offered separately from literature?
Writing is a skill that takes time and intense instruction throughout all of a child’s schooling. We believe that writing and grammatical knowledge are integral skills in college courses and in the professional world. It is also a mode of self-expression that is classically timeless.
4. Do you emphasize memory work?
Being able to memorize material- facts, dates, and general information- is a skill that needs attention in today’s world. We encourage students to memorize pertinent information about their subjects in all classes, as woven within other methodologies and learning practices.
5. What happens if elementary children aren’t able to go through all four cycles, or if they repeat a few cycles, based on their ages?
Our elementary cycles are designed to cover all subjects (except math) comprehensively, and some children will repeat a few years; some will not. Our hope is that you and your children will find a way to work within these cycles so that your personal curricular agenda is satisfied. In public schools and other academic programs, it is common to repeat a few years of material. Repetition of information is a wonderful way to review and cement prior learning. Enjoy taking advantage of our schedule, and please do whatever you deem necessary to work with your children’s needs. We are here to complement your home education; we want you to make these classes work for you!
6. Do you offer AP classes?
At this time, we do not offer AP classes. However, there are AP courses online for homeschoolers if you are interested in those. We also support dual enrollment at York Technical College- those classes offer high school and college credit simultaneously- without the need for passing an exam such as the AP exam. Likewise, do check out CLEP testing- often you can pass a CLEP test and obtain college credit for a particular course as well.
7. How do we obtain high school credit for your classes?
High school credit is simple to claim on your “school’s” individual transcript. For specific details and assistance in calculating honors/college preparatory GPA points and value, consult your homeschool legal association.